I wanted to completely avoid the whole New Years thing. No talk of dieting, or even being healthier. Our obsession with health has made us one of the least healthy nations in the world. I also avoided reading posts on tips for a healthy new year, anything about weight loss, any of the "swap this for that" type articles. I didn't even make a list and usually I love listing goals. For some reason it all really saddened me this year. Why do we need organized closets or to lose the last five pounds? Will we really be happier?
If you haven't made any resolutions yet, here's my advice. Stop worrying about your weight or being "healthy". Fall in love with cooking. Learn where your food comes from. Be active because it feels good, not because it is exercise. Stop calling food "carbs" or "protein".
Find something that makes you happy, every day. But don't feel the need to post your status or tweet it. Just be happy, in that moment.