My husband has been out of town for the past week and organizing and balance have become an even bigger challenge. For all the mother's out there without live in support, I wish you an extra Happy Mother's Day! Between getting kids to school, working and after school activities, where do mother's find time for cooking healthy meals and exercise? This week, to fit it all in, I got up before the kids every day, watered the garden, made breakfast and lunches and then got them up. I'm fortunate enough not to work a traditional full time job, so most of my work took place when they were in bed. My kids are too young to be left home alone, so I got creative with workouts. Pushing my almost 4 year old in a stroller while my 6 year old rode beside on his bike was one way. An indoor ride in the basement while they were sleeping was the only other way. Or find a mum friend and trade workout time.
Most of the suppers I prepared were done in stages. I ate a lot of salad because it is hot here in Kelowna, and the greens are amazing! But I'd chop vegetables for the salad while making lunches. Put tofu in the marinade before heading out for the day, or make a nut puree to later cook into patties to top salads and buns for the kids.
This week, my recipe to you is Salt and Vinegar Chickpeas. Recipes for this are everywhere right now, but with the heat, having the oven on at 425F for 45 minutes seemed crazy. So here's my hot weather, single mother friendly version. I ate mine on top of a giant salad. The kids had the chickpeas with cucumbers, carrots and a side of leftover pasta.
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
1/2 cup white vinegar
3/4 cup water
2 cups chickpeas (I usually cook mine myself to avoid BPA, choose an organic brand without BPA in the can like Eden Organics- another post altogether)
Boil chickpeas in vinegar. When it reaches a boil, take off the stove and allow to sit at least 1/2 an hour (I let it sit all day, did that step before going to work)
Heat 1 Tbsp oil in a fry pan over medium heat. When hot, add the drained chickpeas and salt. Saute until crispy and browned, about 20 minutes. Enjoy hot or cold!
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