Sunday, March 8, 2015

Getting sentimental about the kitchen

I love the kitchen. Obviously. But the kitchen is where our life happens. Greg proposed to me in the kitchen. The first room I set down my tiny newborn in his car seat was the kitchen. Our first meal in Kelowna was in our new kitchen.

Now at any given moment we are prepping food, visiting, eating, learning. Bedtime stories are sometimes at the kitchen table with a warm cup of tea.  From 6:00-6:45 every morning I'm making breakfast and lunches. On weekends, as supper is cleaned up, sour dough pancakes are started for morning

So why is it so hard for so many people to get in the kitchen and make food prep a priority? Why isn't the time valued?

What are the benefits of making this leap?

Healthier food
Increased vegetable consumption
Family connectedness
Teaching kids cooking, healthy eating, fractions (why not?)

And the warm memories your family will have.


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